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Nov 27, 2018

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Episode 032: Let's Party

Christmas is one month away (relax, we're here to take the pressure off). We'll celebrate the birth of Jesus. The Christmas child and his Bethlehem birth set the stage for a party.

Christmas is God's invitation to...

Nov 20, 2018

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What do lepers, leadership, and laughter have to do with one another? In one word: gratitude. 

This week as we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, we want you to know how grateful we are for you. This podcast wouldn't have meaning and purpose if it...

Nov 13, 2018

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Episode 030 Overview

What is the difference between a coach, consultant, and counselor? And how do you know if you need a coach? We tackle these two big questions to help you identify your next best step. 

Do You Want a Coach?

Let us know using one of the links below:

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