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Mar 17, 2020

You can find show notes for this episode at

Special Note

This episode was recorded before any of the recent events around the coronavirus. However, beginning about 9:30, (SCRATCH THAT, with the new intro it's 11:30 ;) Tim and Sara move into a discussion about offloading hurt.

In the midst of the disruptions we're facing with COVID-19 (coronavirus), understanding how emotions get offloaded will be helpful for you, your family, and the people you lead.

Recognizing how you tend to offload hurt (we all do it) can help you keep your relationships healthy. We hope you'll listen and learn so you and lead and love well during this season - and beyond.

Big Lies

No, we're not talking about fake news.

We're talking about the things we say to ourselves that form a barrier to hearing the gospel. Big lies come in many forms.

What are the lies that people tell themselves? Here's a partial list.

  • I'm not good enough
  • I'm not qualified
  • I'm not worthy to be loved
  • Some lives are worth more than others.
  • Some people can never experience God’s love
  • I can go it alone
  • I (or you) are unworthy of love and belonging.
  • I deserve the circumstances out of your control.

Each of these "big lies" puts up a wall that stops us, prevent us, from hearing the Gospel. They keep us centered focused on nostalgia, and immersed in "stinking thinking."

Offloading Hurt

Here's the good news: when we name the big lie, we can begin to explore what's going on and respond with grace. A lot of our response has to do with what we're thinking and feeling. We'll name the ways we offload hurt (we all do it) and give you questions to consider a healthier way to respond.

You can find previous episodes in this series here.

Your Next Step

To accompany this series, join us inside our private Facebook Group for an exploration of six psalms of lament. We're calling it "The Hope of Lament."