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Jun 14, 2022

Hope in the Ordinary

This series of devotions are meant to serve as a simple reminder of God's presence in the ordinary moment of everyday life. Throughout the summer, we'll share a devotion each week to remind you of God's presence and the power of hope. Every week, you'll find the scripture, prayer, and reflection question on the website along with links to other devotions.


"Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds." - Matthew 6:26 (MSG)


Listen to the above podcast.


Creator God, thank you for the birds, the dirt, the bees, and all other flying and crawling things that remind us of the wonder of your creation. Open my eyes and ears this day to the sights and sounds of your creation. Then, remind me that I, too, am your creation. Amen.


At the end of the day, return to this question: 

How did God’s creation remind you that you are one of God’s beloved? Give God thanks for the ordinary moment today.

Return next week for another devotion on Hope in the Ordinary.