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May 11, 2021

If you’ve been a part of a community, you’ve likely experienced conflict within that community. Sometimes our differences are easy to explore together. At other times, the conflict leads to division. The challenges to leaders during these seasons are great. 

But, if you’re willing to reimagine who God is inviting you to be, you just might experience the emergence of a new community.

Our conversation this week with Chris Wiseman explores how he’s leading a congregation that experienced conflict by reimagining what it means to be a Christ-centered community. Conflict and division are complex topics. Today, you’ll hear Chris share how listening and conversation are essential to decision making. 

You’ll also hear stories about different modes of communication facilitated community. No surprise, those modes of communication were NOT determined by the positional leader. Instead, the needs and abilities of the community guided their modes of communication. 


Finally, Chris offers reminders for leaders about the importance of nurturing community connections beyond the local church. 

Write It Down and Talk it Out

  1. Where do you need to put the heart back in your leadership? In other words, where do you need to be more courageous? (Write)
  2. Often we’re told what we can’t do. What can you do today to be the leader your community needs? (Write)
  3. If the local church where you worship ceased to exist, would the surrounding community notice? Why or why not? (Write/Talk)


Why are we calling it Write it Down and Talk it Out

Allison Fallon reminds us, “A regular writing practice, which can start out with something as simple as 5 minutes a day for 4 days in a row, can help you to get your thoughts down, sort through a decision-making process, alleviate anxiety, recognize patterns in your life that are causing you pain, tell a story, and communicate with people in your life who are important to you.” We don’t know a leader who doesn’t need that. So consider grabbing a notebook or opening a google doc and writing out your responses to the questions above marked “write.”

The questions marked “talk” are intended to prompt conversation with a group or team. Remember, conversation involves both listening and talking. Listen more than you talk if you want to explore these questions with others. Need help? Contact us.  We can help you prepare to lead the conversations OR help you facilitate the conversations.