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Mar 3, 2020

You can find show notes for this episode at

Do you rent or own your home?

If you’re thinking, “Wait, this isn’t a real estate podcast,” you’re right. 

But, consider for a minute why you rent or own your home. There’s likely a reason you made a choice to purchase or rent. 

It’s a question of stewardship and ownership. There is a difference. In a similar way, there is a difference between being called to care for people or called to a task.  

Who Has God Entrusted to Your Care?

The question, “Who has God entrusted to your care?” is a question everyone needs to answer. Whether you’re a stay at home parent, serving in full-time ministry, paid a salary or paid by the hour, the question applies to you. 

Answering that question will do a couple of things. First, you'll gain clarity about who is the focus of your life and/or life work. But, more importantly, it will remind you that you are a coworker with God. 

In the end, you are reminded to be a steward, not an owner. 

The Lenten Journey

In the introduction of this series, we invited you to use the questions we'll explore over the next six weeks to enhance what you're already doing this Lent. This isn't another task to be completed, but an opportunity for you to practice following Jesus every day.

The questions we're offering apply to everyday life. As you listen to Episode 109, explore your calling, why care is essential, and how you can shift your thinking from tasks to people. 

You’re invited to consider who God is entrusting to your care and the thoughts, feelings, actions, and results of your care.

What You'll Experience

This series is broken down into three parts:

  • A conversation about the question for the week.
  • A series of questions to explore as you go about your life and work.
  • A final challenge.

Once again, this series of podcasts is intended to come alongside you in your everyday, ordinary life. 

Challenge Questions

If you’re returning to the podcast to answer the questions we offer, you can find the questions at the 19:00 mark.

Note: The five questions we’re exploring in this series come from the forthcoming book, Christian Innovation by Scott Cormode.