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Dec 30, 2018

You can find show notes for this episode at  

A new episode in the 12 Days of Christmas will be posted each day through January 6. Find the entire series at:

  • On the sixth day of Christmas, we give you the gift of being a COMMUNITY CONNECTOR. That one isn't so intuitive, is it? Listen in to hear what we have to say.
  • Read Mark 1:1-8
  • Prayer for the Day:

O God, through the gift of being community connectors, help us lead our churches to become sending stations.  Equip us to prepare the way for people to encounter your love in Jesus.  With the gifts of courage and compassion, use us in our contexts and community connections lead a movement of Jesus followers.  Amen.  

Take the gift of community, the gift of serving as a connector (yes, this might be a two- fold gift...or is it a double bonus? You decide1) along with the gift of context, communion, connection, compassion, and courage.

Tune in tomorrow for Day 7.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, we’re posting reminders at 7 AM & 7:30 PM daily.

Merry Christmas!