Jul 10, 2018
There's your big question for this week!
How are you caught up in what God is doing in your life, community, and relationships?
In this episode, we don't hold back. Sara and Tim get passionate (ok, mostly Sara gets passionate) about where the church needs to change. We explore the nature of the church and throw a tough question your way about how the church is failing.
We remind you that the mission of God is lived out in our neighborhoods, just beyond the church doors. And, we remind you that being sent people, commissioned people, is how we live into God's mission...whatever the circumstances are around us.
And, yes, God's sending you out to get the Word out.
So...where is God sending you today? Let us know in the comments section.
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David Bosch, Transforming Mission
Want to learn more about the mission of God? Here are a couple of quick reads:
Explore other episodes at transformingmission.org/podcast